Faculty career areas
Discover the rewards of teaching
in your career field.
Become a part of the faculty at University of Phoenix and experience profoundly meaningful work alongside leaders in your field. Like your students, you will rise with us.
Teach, learn and transform.
Our faculty share a desire to positively influence future community leaders. Like us, they know the power of education and how it can transform lives. Our faculty’s commitment and passion to students inspires all of us. We show them our appreciation by supporting them with professional development programs that include ongoing workshops and mentors. Explore how you can make a real difference in the lives of students as well as your own.

Learn to teach
We appreciate our faculty members and we support them with teacher training programs and mentors as well as professional development programs.
Meet your colleagues
In keeping with our Core Values – Brave, Honest, Focused – University of Phoenix is highly selective in its faculty selection process. Every professional our students call ‘teacher’ brings impressive real-world experience to the classrooms.

Just the FAQ
You probably have questions. We have answers.

Teach your passion
College of Education
For over four decades, the College of Education has been offering programs to support America's educators. Today, we remain committed to excellence and innovation as we continue to address the needs of schools and school districts throughout the United States.
We serve the local needs of educators in select markets with courses designed to transform students into dedicated professionals capable of creating lasting and positive change in their communities by advancing student learning. Join us in our quest for excellence in preparing future educators.

Improve lives in and out of the classroom
College of Health Professions
The College of Health Professions, like its faculty and students, is ambitious. It's striving to be the premier provider of post-licensure healthcare administration and management as well as healthcare support courses, certificates and programs.
Your hands-on expertise and desire to share your knowledge with students eager to learn qualify you for rewarding career opportunities.

Promote academic success
College of General Studies
The College of General Studies places a special emphasis on developing world-class critical thinking, communication, problem solving and decision-making skills. Our courses prepare students academic success and deeper levels of understanding and achievement in other personal and professional pursuits.
Our faculty is committed to the promoting collaboration and creativity to improve the human condition. Your experience and passion for learning are welcome here!

Shape tomorrow's business leaders & power the minds of the it industry
College of Business & Information Technology
The College of Business and Information Technology provides its faculty with opportunities to positively impact students through education that helps them develop meaningful careers.
Often working with senior leaders in Business or the IT industry (e.g. C-suite executives, vice presidents, supervisors and mid-career professionals, etc.), you'll share your industry expertise and knowledge teaching students the skills they will need to thrive in their industry. Start making a difference today. Explore our open positions.

Influence tomorrow's thought-leaders
College of Doctoral Studies
The College of Doctoral Studies is a community of scholars committed to excellence. Founded in 2002, our mission is to help doctoral students rise as scholars and leaders in their fields. Our career-focused doctoral programs and vibrant research centers support students as they learn to conduct research as a foundation for creative action in their organizations and communities.
To achieve our mission, we need people like you – industry practitioners and leaders with a passion for teaching and a commitment to making the world a better place through advanced education.

Improve the lives of students and the community
College of Nursing
The College of Nursing has been helping nurses advance their skills and their careers for over four decades. Our focus has always been providing a quality education to working nurses through programs that are affordable, flexible, and aligned with industry needs and standards. We serve the educational needs of registered nurses in programs from undergraduate to doctoral level. Our students can benefit from your experience and leadership as they learn competency, consistency, compassion in practice, and the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Educate public safety professionals
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences practitioner faculty members are dedicated to facilitating education for current and aspiring public safety professionals that want to develop and enhance the application of law enforcement to serve the public.
Faculty includes leadership representatives from local, state and federal organizations. These men and women take pride in bridging the education gap from textbook and theory to practical applications and in providing students with a deep understanding of the complexities of this profession. We encourage you to explore our opportunities to teach.